Task 2

Have a watch!

After watching the video, discuss the following questions with your talk partner :

Do you think the environment is worth saving?
If we protect our environment, what effect does this have on our climate?

When you have finished talking to your partner, turn to the two people behind you and form groups of four and discuss the same question.

Activity 1:
In your groups of four compose a list of ways that you as individuals affect the environment.

Activity 2: (In groups of six)
On a piece of paper, write down the way in which you travel to school every morning.

Note: If you travel a different way some mornings, name the way you travel most mornings only.

I will collect this information and assign four children to the following categories:

  1. Walk
  2. Cycle
  3. Car
  4. Bus

They will then allocate each response to the correct category. When all the information is recorded, they will write their findings on the interactive whiteboard for you to write down into your copies. In pairs you will select a graph of your choice to represent this information. When completed, some of these graphs will feature on displays around the school in order to encourage people to reconsider the mode of transport that they currently use to travel to school.

Useful Link: http://www.mathsisfun.com/data/bar-graph.html

Extension activity: Interview the whole school to identify how each child travels to school and establish the most popular mode of transport.

The information collected during this process could be used to probe further discussion about ways in which the children could become more environmentally aware, by using means of transport that doesn't harm the environment.

Activity 3

In your same groups of 6 you will work on one of the following modes of transport mentioned above and you will explore the effects (positive/negative) of using that particular mode of transport on the environment and on the climate.

Group 1- Walk
Group 2- Cycle
Group 3- Car
Group 4- Bus

You will use Glogster to present your findings and remember as always consult your notes before commencing the task. This is a group task so it is important that each member makes a contribution!

The following websites may come in useful during your research process:
  1. http://www.greenschoolsireland.org/themes/travel.197.html
  2. http://www.ecofriendlykids.co.uk/TransportAirPollution.htm
Remember if you use any other additional websites, make sure you include a reference of each website you use! 

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