Task 4

Group Project

You will work in groups of six and each group will be allocated a topic to research.
You can use the information which you encountered in this blog or any additional information that you found useful from other sources but please make sure to include references as to where you took the information from!

After you have collected your information you will present it using one of the following forms of digital technology:

  1. A poster awareness campaign for the school community about Climate Change 
  2. A representation of the issue using claymation
  3. A digital presentation (Eg. Photostory/Slideshow, using PowerPoint presentation)
  4. A radio advertisement (using a Podcast) 

Group 1: A poster awareness campaign for the school commnunity about the causes and effects of Climate Change (Refer to information collected and recorded during Lesson 2).

Group 2: A representation of climate change through animation (Claymation).

Group 3: A digital presentation based on how people can respond to climate change (Eg. Photostory/Slideshow, using PowerPoint presentation).

Group 4: A radio ad promoting the importance of protecting the environment and to draw people's attention to what they can do to protect the environment. (Refer to the bank of phrases you used  in  English for Persuasive Writing).

As always refer to the notes on the above digital technologies before commencing the task. I would also recommend that all groups refer to the tutorials on how to use the various technologies too as this is less time consuming as it enables each group member to hear the instructions at the same time.    

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